
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

LectureThursday 23 may

Paraagraphs of Klein (as far as subject are covered also in the slides)

And the slides we did up to 68 and are here:

Next week Monday we finish colour measurement and we will talk about color mixing systems

Color conversions Calculator

2 useful calculators




Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Lecture Thursday 16 May 2013

All slides of this week (incl corrections) are here:

Relevant paragraphs in the book by Klein:

2.4 (all sub paragraphs)

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Lecture Monday 13-5-2013

Chapters 1; 2.1.1-2.1.4; 2.2 of Klein are relevant (Industrial Color Physics).
Discussed were the slides (1-48):

Now is also especially a good time to watch the VSauce video on my red vs yours

Friday, 10 May 2013

Book for the second part

The second part of this course leans heavily on the book by Klein: Industrial Color Physics from Springer Verlag.
It is accessible through the library (SIBDI), but for your convenience I have placed a copy here:

Chapter 1-3 are most relevant, but as always they form only supportive reading to where I put stress in my slides

Inspiration for your assignment

Suggested topics:
-Synthesis and characterisation of a new pigment for the coatingsindustry
-Synthesis and/or testing of a new binder chemistry for coatings applications
-Sustainable/Green alternatives to existing technologies in the paint industry
-Synthesis and characterization of a new additive (pref. dispersing agent)
-More fundamental topics like : Multiple scattering or advanced application of Kubelka Munk
-Characterisation of a historically used pigment (e.g. a natural pigment, and a synthetic alternative route)
-photochromic, thermochromic pigments or a new non-conventional pigment for paint
new effect pigment: diffraction pigments (diffraction gratings engineered on pigment particles)
-Carbon footprint studies on coatings
-Mechanism in an antocorrosive paint.
-Infrared reflective/transparent black pigments for lower energy consumption

 For this, spend some time searching journals or patents (the latter are harder to read). A couple of keywords entered in the search boxes with big publishers like ACS and Wiley will take you a long way.

Discuss your choice with me before the lecture of Monday May 20

Relevant journals which contain coating/pigment/colour related publications.:
Publisher ACS:

Cover image for Vol. 38 Issue 3Publisher: Wiley
Title: Colour Reseach&Application

Cover image for Vol. 64 Issue 2Title: Materials and corrosion

Cover image for Vol. 129 Issue 3
Coloration technology (Wiley) has next to their regular articles an overview of their review articles: https://sibdi.ucr.ac.cr/http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291478-4408/homepage/review_articles_2009-2011.htm

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Lecture 9 may 2013

Todays lecture:

stay tuned for examples of assignment papers later on this blog (before the end of friday 10/5)